Shipston Food Festival is a sell-out success
The Shipston Food Festival Weekend far exceeded even the most ambitious expectations, with hundreds of people turning up across the weekend to enjoy gastronomic delights.
Kick-starting the weekend was the first ever Beer and Curry Festival held at Shipston Rugby Club. With the gates opening at 4pm, the clubhouse and field was soon full as people made the most of the opportunity to try 16 local ales and five ciders, accompanied by homemade curries. Children were far from forgotten, with musical and combat entertainment laid on to suit different age groups, and food to satisfy all.
Dancing continued until late, with live entertainment provided by bands including Barney & Jerv, The Momettes, Ruck & Maul, and Battered Soul. Amongst the entertainment was the serious business of beer tasting and judging. Pure Gold from Purity Brewery Co. was crowned the overall winner of the Local Brewery Competition and the Drink of Shipston Rugby Club Season 2014 - 2015.
Saturday was competition day, where local artists, bakers and chefs of all ages put forward their best entries for the judges to assess, including vegetable models, jams, chutneys and the inaugural Sheep Pie contest.
The Festival finale came on Sunday when the town centre was packed with hungry visitors. Stall holders ranged from local oil producers to gastronomic burger kitchens and plenty in between. Many stall holders sold out, with some rushing off to get more supplies to satisfy the crowds.
It wasn’t just about shopping and eating though. Live entertainment and informative cookery demonstrations kept visitors occupied while they munched on their chosen food of the day.
Chair of the Food Festival, Dan Scobie, said: “I am thrilled that the Food Festival Weekend proved so successful. Stall holders have already asked to re-book for 2015 and we’ve had wonderful feedback from visitors to the two main events.
“This has been a true team effort, made possible thanks to the incredible hard work of our volunteers. I’m extremely grateful to all those who supported us and would encourage everyone to visit our Facebook Page to learn more about our sponsors and let us know what you thought of the event.”
Profits from the Beer Festival will go to Shipston Rugby Club while profits from the Food Festival will be put towards next year’s event -