Shipston Town Council unveils new look for website

The Shipston Town Council website has been thoroughly refreshed and redesigned to make it even easier to find the information you need. The bright, clear website is easy to navigate and contains useful information about the town.

The website is being launched with a new address to clearly identify it as a town council website and can be found at 

New to the website is a ‘Helpful Hints’ section, offering tips and advice on a range of common issues such as highway faults, litter, dog fouling and allotments. You can even find out how to report consistent non delivery of the Forum or what to do if your neighbour’s hedge is becoming a nuisance.

Commenting on the redesign, Peter White, Chair of the Communications Working Group, said: “We wanted to make sure we were providing residents with the most useful information. The helpful hints section covers some of the questions most frequently received by the office so that people can find the information they need quickly and easily.”

Also new to the site is the option to read current and back issues of the Shipston Forum online, in full colour. 

In addition to the new features, residents can still access news and events information as well as council documents and links to the council’s social media pages.


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