Shipston Town Council welcomes new Mayor and Councillors
The Annual General Meeting of Shipston Town Council saw the election of a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the town. It was also the first meeting for the four new councillors elected in May.
Dan Scobie was unanimously elected Mayor for 2019/20 - his second term in the role having previously chaired the council in 2017/18. Sheelagh Saunders was unanimously elected Deputy Mayor.
Stepping down from his Mayoral role, Ian Cooper thanked all those who had supported him over the past 12 months.
Ian said: “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve Shipston as Mayor. We have a strong and unified council. Although we have our own say and opinions, we act together which stands us in good stead.”
Ian Cooper went on to thank fellow councillors and former mayors for their support and guidance, as well as Rev Sarah Edmonds for her help with town events and ensuring civic dignitaries received a warm welcome.
The Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk were presented with flowers as a thank you for their work for the Mayor over the past year.
Ian Cooper also recorded thanks to former district and county councillor, Chris Saint, for his hard work and support for Shipston over his many years in office. Chris stood down at the recent elections.
Dan Scobie congratulated Ian on a successful year as Mayor, which saw the town council strengthen links with young people in the town.