Warwickshire Air Ambulance appeals for volunteers
The Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance is calling on Shipston residents to become volunteers to help the organisation.
The Air Ambulance is a registered charity and is heavily reliant on volunteers and donations to keep it going. Help is needed in a number of roles including charity shop assistants, community engagement volunteers and bucket collectors.
The WNAA is a vital service, particularly for rural communities like Shipston which are some way from the nearest hospital. The speed of the helicopter means patients can be flown to the best equipped hospital to treat their injuries rather than automatically going to the nearest facility which may not have specialist treatment available.
Regularly seen flying over Warwickshire, the service has been running for ten years and recently completed its 14,500th mission. Each rescue mission costs an average of £1,700 which is why volunteers and fundraisers are so important to help keep the service going.
To find out more and register interest, call 08454 130999 or visit www.theairambulanceservice.org.uk/volunteer