Shipston Branch of the RBL social evenings: The Shipston on Stour Branch of the Royal British Legion meet on the third Friday of each month for a social gathering. We meet in the White Bear Inn from 7.30 pm onwards. Do please come and join us and share your stories with like-minded people. For further information contact Alex Black 07789 968733 or
Pilates for Complete Beginners
Fridays 09:30am at the Townsend Hall
Walks with a friendly group
Meet at 10am every Friday in the Mill car park. For further information or to join call Marleen 01608 663616
Shipston Stitchers
We are a small group of friendly embroiderers who meet fortnightly on a Friday in The Church Room, Darlingscote Rd.
We are of mixed ability . We cover cross stitch to gold work.
We are actively seeking a few new members. I hope there are newcomers to Shipston who might like to join us or those who find they now have some free time.