‘Dance for Joy’ Monthly Circle Dance Group in Stretton on Fosse 2.30 – 4pm. First Thursday of each month. Dances from around the world – all taught from scratch. Please contact Geri Hunting geraldinehunting@icloud.com or 07968 338848
Story Stomp
Every Tuesday at 10am, Shipston Library
Scrabble Club
Join us every Thursday afternoon to play Scrabble in a friendly, warm and informal setting. Refreshments provided. Shipston Library, 2pm-4pm.
Shipston Community Warm Hub
Age Concern Shipston and District Lunch Club
Rainbow Fields 12pm
Contact Christine Grant 07939 595600
Stour Singers Rehearsals
Rehearsals every Thursday, 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Shipston Primary School. Sept 2022 through May 2023. Contact Gayle Burch on 07791 769102