Meet at 10am every Friday in the Mill car park. For further information or to join call Marleen 01608 663616
Shipston Stitchers
We are a small group of friendly embroiderers who meet fortnightly on a Friday in The Church Room, Darlingscote Rd.
We are of mixed ability . We cover cross stitch to gold work.
We are actively seeking a few new members. I hope there are newcomers to Shipston who might like to join us or those who find they now have some free time.
Contact Anita Spencer on 01993 832665
Shipston Sports Club - Club Night
Alcoholics Anonymous
Blackwell Village Hall
CV36 4PQ
01865 242373
0800 9177 650
Shipston Concert Brass
7.45pm – 9.15pm at the Band Hall, New Street CV36 4QR