May 2023
Update on developing Ellen Badger Hospital
South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust has been committed to developing the Ellen Badger Hospital site since 2018.
To kick start the development the League of Friends transferred a donation they received of £635,000 to enable the Trust to buy the land next to the hospital site. The purchase of this land has facilitated the development plans. The construction work is being funded by Trust capital money and £2.3million of national funding, which we obtained following a successful bid and a decision by the Trust to invest this in Shipston.
Since the proposals were initially discussed there have been several external factors that have contributed to changes in the design, plans and timescales. These include responding to and learning from Covid, funding within the wider health economy and increasing costs in the construction market.
Despite these challenges, the Trust is progressing with the plans and when complete there will be a range of services available on the site, with enhanced clinical spaces for hospital and community services.
The new hospital will offer a range of services, including:
•Car park with space for mobile diagnostics
•Health and Well-being Hub
•Shared spaces for Community Nursing and Health Visiting teams. There will be outpatients and treatment rooms for physiotherapy, specialist nurses and other health professionals
•Existing building will initially provide the day hospital, outpatient clinics and physiotherapy services, with flexibility for other services to be included in the future
Clinical and operational teams at SWFT are currently looking at which medical specialties will run clinics from Ellen Badger Hospital. As an organisation, we will also use health data to identify the most needed services for the local community.
Demolition of the old hospital building is now complete and work with the main contractor will begin in May 2023, with completion anticipated in Summer 2024.
We recognise the rich history of the Ellen Badger Hospital, unfortunately though it was not viable to restore the original building due to its age, condition and infrastructure meaning it would not meet future compliance regulations. We are retaining as much as possible and have done a detailed evaluation of all the historical artefacts which we will sensitively incorporate into the new build.
As part of this development, we are placing significant focus on sustainability. Therefore, where possible, we will be re-using and recycling materials and ensuring the building meets industry approved sustainability standards. This includes following BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) Excellent guidance. This is a recognised industry standard. We will also work towards reaching carbon net zero.
SWFT continues to work closely with Shipston Medical Centre and Coventry and Warwickshire’s Integrated Care Board to progress the ambition of an integrated healthcare facility for the communities of Shipston and surrounding villages.
All parties are keen to explore all options to progress this and the construction work is being completed in such a way that integration with the Medical Centre in the future is possible.
For all up-to-date accurate information about the Ellen Badger Hospital development please visit:
Re-elected Councillors
The current sitting Councillors who have been re-elected unopposed are: Sarah Beckett, John Dinnie, Tony Booth, Ian Cooper, Jo Barker, Paul Tesh, Zoltan Kovari, Gerry Kelly and Hilary Kelly.
Christopher Howarth and Brian Cooper have been newly elected to council unopposed.
Coronation of King Charles III